Bunion - tips

Bunions Tips

- These are a boney projection on the side of the foot usually on the 1st (Big) toe area.  
- They are not always painful but often become painful when they rub onto shoes etc.
- They can occur at any age however, not commonly seen in young children. More commonly they start to occur in the 20-30 year old range. 
- They do not always require treatment however if they are painful there are a number of treatment options.
- The first thing to consider is always your footwear. Your footwear should not itself cause any compression in this area. Generally if the shoe is low cut and tapers too much your foot will slide into a narrowing space and thus cause pressure around this joint. You should also avoid wearing heels as this will also exacerbate the problem.  
- Often the way the foot works when walking can bring this condition on and make it progress. A video consultation appointment may help in this respect
- There are also products which can help for this condition.
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