Flat Feet

Flat Feet
Flat feet is a very misused term.  Actually flat feet are very very rare, where the is just no arch to the foot at all.  Most people tend to talk about flat feet and they really mean feet that tip inwards, or the arch lowers to the ground.  This is better called over pronation as a normal movement of pronation is allowed to happen beyond a 'normal' range.

Over pronation can sometimes not be a problem but others it can cause lots of issues with the foot, leg and whole skeletal chain, in different muscles and joints as they become unbalanced.  

There are many products which support the foot which can help and the products ewe advertise are recommended by Podiatrists and proven to work.  If you would like a video consultation appointment with our Podiatrist you can book in for one to give you specific advice and help.
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